Friday, March 2, 2012

Nature Shoot with Rain Surprise

What a day today at Hortpark, beautiful Garden hub as I walked by garden of different themes. Then a bee startled me when it landed on my arm, got a slight surprise though. My other photographer friend and my gf was taken aback by my reaction. Anyway, the bees are really busy by nature indeed.. Here are my shots showing their busy routine !

but those shots, the skies started turning gloomy.. and yes, even though I thought it would be passing rain, I was wrong... So we turned back and head for shelter, not long after reaching, a sudden downpour followed. It is quite difficult to head back to my car as it was raining heavily and we do not have an umbrella. So we stayed and sit by the table near by... while waiting, i noticed the water splash near the balcony and decided to try taking some water shots... These are what I got, enjoy !

The King's Crown (Right) and the Prince (Left)

A Blob..

Crown with Dome base..

Hope you enjoy my shots for today. what a long day today... so had a nice cool Berrie Sparkle At Pizza Hut! Cheers!

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